Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation Attorneys in Contra Costa

Whiting, Ross, Abel & Campbell, LLP, offers divorce mediation services to those clients who want to take an active role in structuring their own divorce settlement. Individuals who choose mediation share with their spouses a commitment to working together in a cooperative, non-adversarial way to achieve a fair division of their property and to resolve such issues as spousal support, child support, child custody, and visitation.

Divorce mediation in California is a voluntary process through which you make decisions together with your spouse based on an understanding of your views, your spouse’s views, and the reality you face. A mediator facilitates your discussions but does not give advice or make decisions. The divorce mediator may, however, make suggestions as to how the various disputed issues can be resolved and what the process would be if the matter were litigated. The parties meet with the divorce mediator to identify issues, complete exchanges of information, and use non-adversarial problem-solving techniques to come to an agreement.

Each party can be supported in his/her decision-making by his/her own advising lawyer and other professionals such as valuation experts, financial planners, accountants, and mental health professionals. Whiting, Ross, Abel & Campbell, LLP, regularly consults with clients who participate in the mediation process.

Contact Whiting, Ross, Abel & Campbell, LLP to Learn More About Divorce Mediation in Contra Costa County and the Surrounding San Francisco Bay Area

Whiting, Ross, Abel & Campbell, LLP located in Contra Costa County, can help save you time, money, and stress through divorce mediation. Our mediation attorneys can resolve issues related to child custody, child support, alimony, property division, and more. Contact us today to learn more about your options.

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